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Lawrence County Commissioners To Discuss Funding Extra Ambulance

LAWRENCEBURG, TN – Members of the Lawrence County Commission’s Budget Committee will convene this evening to perform a mid-year budget review.   Among the items to be addressed include the consideration for staffing a fifth ambulance for LCEMS.  The proposal to add additional personnel to staff the unit failed to be added to the 2024-2025 budget when the spending plan was originally passed last year.  As recently as this past weekend, LCEMS had to rely on neighboring counties to send available units to cover an increase in the number of calls for help.  Presently, Lawrence County’s Emergency Medical Services department operates four advanced life support ambulances; two are based in Lawrenceburg, one in Loretto, and one in Ethridge.  At any given time, any one of the units could be transporting local patients to out-of-town hospitals, which further extends the unavailability of the ambulance. County leaders will discuss whether the fifth unit should be staffed for 12 hours a day at a cost of around $170,000 annually or if the need is present to justify staffing the truck on 24-hour shifts at a cost of $260,000 a year.  The meeting is set to begin at 5:30 p.m. in the second-floor conference room at the Lawrence County Administrative Center.

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