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Morgan Updates Lawrence County Residents

LAWRENCEBURG, TN – Last Tuesday’s Special Session was convened for the purpose of confirming a new contract with a solid waste hauler, but Commissioners voted 15-2 (with one absent) to republish the bid request in hopes of receiving more than one qualifying bid to consider.

This process began several months ago, when the contract with our existing hauler expired. Waste Connections had kept the cost of transporting waste to a landfill outside Lawrence County very low, but its new contract called for a 67% increase. We learned that other haulers would charge similar amounts, and that is when LawCo Citizens’ solid waste bills increased.

While Waste Connections continues to haul household garbage at a new price without a contract, we have been working to find the best long-term price for that service. There have been a few bumps in the road on the way to that goal, including last Tuesday’s decision to reissue the bid, but I believe the result will be savings for Lawrence County citizens.

The bid request is being republished, and our Purchasing, Solid Waste, and Budget Committees will meet September 19 to choose the best one. It is our hope that they have more than one, and lower prices, to consider. When the Commission meets September 24, they will be voting to approve those committees’ recommendation. A month is a relatively short delay in this process, and isn’t much considering that we will live with our decision, and the company we choose, for the next five years.
The option for a November wheel tax referendum was not included on the Special Session agenda, lacking the support and signatures of ten Commissioners to make it there. I also could have chosen to place it on the agenda, but l also agree that now is not the time.
We are in the process of borrowing funds to help Road Superintendent Ryan Krick catch up on Lawrence County road repairs over the next two years. Remember that we cannot continue to borrow money for roads, and we need some kind of fair, permanent income producer for them after these additional funds are depleted. This will be a matter for many future discussions.
Our special session also gave us the opportunity to recognize three outstanding baseball teams. Lawrenceburg’s 6 and under, 9 and under, and 10 and under All-Stars captured state titles at their respective tournaments. It is our great pleasure to honor local students who excel in sports, academics, and music, and to see some of the same faces return year after year.
Also coming up at our regular session on September 24, Commissioners will appoint a new school board member to fill the seat being vacated by the retirement of longtime Board member Nicky Hartsfield. We all appreciate Nicky’s service to the school system and the county over the years. This appointee will join new school board members Janet Alexander, Chad Shannon, and Bill Adams, who will join the Board for their first term after swearing-in ceremonies September 3.
Finally, I am happy to tell you the purchase of land for our new Health Department has been finalized, located at Brannon Street between Liberty and Mahr Avenues. The next step is approval of an architect/engineering firm for the 12,500-square-foot project at a September 3 Purchasing Committee meeting. I know we all look forward to seeing this new facility completed and serving Lawrence Countians.

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