LAWRENCEBURG, TN – 2024 has been recorded as one of Lawrenceburg Fire Department’s busiest years since being organized in 1898. Over the past year, the department made approximately 2,516 responses. The department consists of three stations within the city limits and is managed by Chief Jay Moore and Deputy Chief Lee Beckman. Below are the stats for the year, categorized by call type.
40 Structure Fires
19 Vehicle Fires
27 Grass, Brush and other fires
1 Fireworks Explosion
1699 Medical Responses or Automobile Crashes
4 Search calls
1 Elevator Rescue
5 Swiftwater Rescue
69 Hazardous Condition- Powerline down, gas leak, carbon monoxide, aircraft standby
262 Service Calls- Public service, Assist citizen, Assist government agency
246 Burn Release, Smoke Scare
140 False Alarm
3 Special Type Incident
2516 Total Calls