LAWRENCEBURG, TN – During our September meeting, the Lawrence County Commission took several important actions. First, we recognized the 2024 Summertown Diamond Youth 8 and Under All-Star team for their remarkable achievements this season. It is always a privilege to honor the accomplishments of our community’s citizens, both young and old.
As part of our annual duties, we elected officers for the board, appointed the County Attorney, and approved the appointments for the Director of Accounts and Budgets and the Purchasing Agent. This year, Commissioner Shane Eaton was re-elected as our Chair. I am honored to serve as Chairman Pro-Tempore, stepping in when the Chair may be absent. I appreciate the board’s trust in me, and I am committed to fulfilling this role to the best of my ability. Mr. Charlie Holt will continue as our County Attorney, while Mrs. Brandi Williams and Mrs. Kelly Odom will maintain their roles as Director of Accounts and Budgets and Purchasing Agent, respectively. I thank each of them for their dedication and service to our community.
Additionally, we approved the committee roster for the commission’s various committees. Personally, I have been assigned to the Animal Welfare, Purchasing, School Board Liaison, and Technology committees, with the honor of chairing both the School Board Liaison and Technology committees.
Following our primary business, we made a significant decision to donate the old West Gaines School property to the West Gaines School Community Center, Inc. This newly developed non-profit organization plans to rehabilitate the old school and transform it into a community center. We also approved the architectural firm to design the new, state-funded county health department building, paving the way for its design and construction in the coming years.
In closing, I want to express my gratitude for the opportunity to serve as your commissioner. It is truly an honor to represent the people of District 13 and contribute to making Lawrence County a better place. If I can assist you in any way, whether you reside in my district or not, please do not hesitate to reach out. Thank you for your support, and if you haven’t had a chance yet, be sure to visit the fair this week!
-Dave Ray