COLUMBIA, TN – Last night at 7:04PM units were alerted to a person entrapped in heavy equipment on Terrapin Branch Rd. Responding units: Rescue 21, Squad 21, Utility 21, Brush 22, District 22, and Deputy 20. Units arrived to find the operator of a skid steer, approximately 300 yards behind a home in a heavily wooded area and on top of a steep hill with their lower extremities trapped by the cab of the skid steer. Due to a residential bridge, our heavy rescue had to remain on the roadway. Equipment was loaded in a truck and driven to the home where FF’s and Maury County Sheriff’s Department Deputies then took it up the steep wooded area to where the person was trapped.
Members quickly secured a chain to the top of the cab and used a power puller at
tached to a tree to lift the cab. Maury Regional Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Paramedics provided care to the patient throughout the rescue. The patient was loaded in a stokes basket and carefully lowered down the hill to an awaiting ambulance. Other units secured an LZ for VUMC Lifeflight.

Special thanks to the hard work of our Sheriff’s Deputies, Maury EMS Paramedics, and Maury 911 Dispatchers for their hard work and care.